For details on all our events, see our calendar.
- Sunday School (9:30am): a time of instruction for all ages
- Worship Service (11:00am): the center of our church life, where we gather before God’s throne to hear from his Word, receive the Lord’s Supper, and respond in praise!
- Fellowship Meal (usually the last Sunday of the month after the worship service): potluck dinner and time for great conversation.
- Nursing Home Ministry (usually the second Sunday of every odd-numbered month at 2:30pm, Grace Brethren Village, 1010 Taywood Road, Englewood, OH): a brief worship service for the residents and a time for encouragement afterwards.
Throughout the Week
- Home Groups (once every other week, meeting in members’ homes): provides an opportunity for instruction and encouragement mid-week near to members’ homes.
- Friends Night (usually once a month, at different times): a time of fun, fellowship, and instruction for young people ages 12-18. Activities include: all night lock-in, trip to King’s Island, games night. Occasionally, we host conferences for our youth:
- Spring 2021: Fighting Temptation
- Fall 2021: Pain and the Christian Life
- Fall 2023: Missions Conference
- Women’s Studies: we have three different women’s studies: (1) a study on womanhood for teens; (2) a study on womanhood for adults; (3) a ladies’ Bible study where women go deep into the text of Scripture.
Throughout the Year
- Presbytery Youth Camp (one week in June): a chance for youth in the presbytery to enjoy lots of biblical instruction and outdoor fun.
- Outreach Events (throughout the year): service projects and sharing of the gospel in our community. One example is a Community Service Outreach, where we mowed lawns and shared the good news about Christ.
- Reformation Conferences: excellent speakers unfold to us deep biblical truths with an emphasis on godly living. Past Reformation Conferences:
- Other Special Events: opportunities for fellowship abound through the year, with Reformation Day and Christmas parties, the Anderson’s Awesome Adventure (picnic), and more.