For details on all our events, see our calendar.
- Sunday School (9:30am): a time of instruction for all ages
- Morning Worship Service (11:00am): the center of our church life, where we gather before God’s throne to hear from his Word, receive the Lord’s Supper, and respond in praise!
- Fellowship Meal (usually the last Sunday of the month after the worship service): potluck dinner and time for great conversation.
- Nursing Home Ministry (usually the second Sunday of every odd-numbered month at 2:30pm, Grace Brethren Village, 1010 Taywood Road, Englewood, OH): a brief worship service for the residents and a time for encouragement afterwards.
- Evening Discipleship Service (6:00pm, 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month): a shorter time of worship, where we close out the Lord’s day in praise and hearing a sermon about the core truths of the faith, based on either the Westminster Shorter Catechism or the Heidelberg Catechism (a distinct sermon from the one in the morning).
Throughout the Week
- Home Groups (once every other week, meeting in members’ homes): provides an opportunity for instruction and encouragement mid-week near to members’ homes.
- Friends Night (usually once a month, at different times): a time of fun, fellowship, and instruction for young people ages 12-18. Activities include: all night lock-in, trip to King’s Island, games night. Occasionally, we host conferences for our youth:
- Spring 2021: Fighting Temptation
- Fall 2021: Pain and the Christian Life
- Fall 2023: Missions Conference
- Women’s Studies: we have three different women’s studies: (1) a study on womanhood for teens; (2) a study on womanhood for adults; (3) a ladies’ Bible study where women go deep into the text of Scripture.
Throughout the Year
Presbytery Youth Camp (one week in June): a chance for youth in the presbytery to enjoy lots of biblical instruction and outdoor fun.
- Outreach Events (throughout the year): service projects and sharing of the gospel in our community. One example is a Community Service Outreach, where we mowed lawns and shared the good news about Christ.
- Reformation Conferences: excellent speakers unfold to us deep biblical truths with an emphasis on godly living. Past Reformation Conferences:
- Other Special Events: opportunities for fellowship abound through the year, with Reformation Day and Christmas parties, the Anderson’s Awesome Adventure (picnic), and more.